Chuck Lee Media


Welcome to my website, and thank you sincerely for taking the time to explore my artistic journey. My name is Chuck Lee, a self-taught artist hailing from Detroit, Michigan. Amidst the challenges posed by the Covid pandemic, I found solace and purpose in art, a passion that had always simmered beneath the surface of my life.

Initially dabbling in doodles and street art during my formative years, I rediscovered my fervor for creation during the long hours spent indoors. It all began with a simple decision to pick up a paintbrush instead of a gaming controller. Little did I know, this moment would catalyze a profound transformation in my life.

Sharing my creations on platforms like Facebook led to unexpected inquiries about purchasing my work, igniting a spark of realization within me. Inspired by the artistic journeys of creators like TenHun and Kiptoe on YouTube, I embarked on a quest for knowledge and mastery, immersing myself in their teachings.

Armed with nothing but my phone and a boundless enthusiasm for creation, I ventured into the world of YouTube, documenting my artistic endeavors and discoveries. The journey was as challenging as it was exhilarating, but through unwavering dedication, I honed my skills in both artistry and video editing.

Fast forward almost four years, and I stand before you with a burning desire to elevate my craft to new heights. This website serves as a hub for you to follow along with my creative exploits and extend your support in any way you can.

Each new video release marks a milestone in my journey, and I am thrilled to share them with you here. Additionally, with every video drop, a new item will grace my shop, offering you an opportunity to bring a piece of my artistic vision into your life.

I am particularly excited to share the story of my involvement in TenHun's monumental art collaboration, a testament to the boundless possibilities that lie ahead. I invite you to explore the accompanying video and share in this milestone with me.

In closing, I extend my deepest gratitude for your visit. Your support fuels my passion and drives me to push the boundaries of my creativity. May this space serve as a source of inspiration and connection for us both. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for joining me on this extraordinary journey.

With peace and profound appreciation,

Chuck Lee

Newest Video

My Part in YouTube’s Biggest Art Collab.

I had just a month or 2 earlier got to meet my favorite art YouTuber TenHun when I reached out to him and offered to come spend a weekend helping around his new studio. We both just happen to be in the same state and to my surprise he accepted. Spending time seeing how big this art shit could get I was truly inspired, and also thankful that I got to make some new friends. The whole Team TenHun are really good people. My boy Red is a real one I PROMISE YOU!

Ive been watching the the Biggest Art Collab videos from the beginning. I discovered so many great artist, and just knew if I got the chance I would crush it… That was until it got to my boy Sam. When it got in his hands I felt it could be real more then ever and it low key terrified me lol. I aint no &^#% though and I put on my big boy panties and reached out to Sam to see if he was going to send it to me next. See Sam and I were some of each others very first subscribers when we both started around 3.5 years prior to this collab, and we kept up with each other throughout the years. Every now and then popping by to say “hey good job” or “keep going man!” So with us already having a friendship in the art space he said yes and sent it out.

Whats crazy is how much fun this was, and how I also made a great new friend in the art space after. Shuzi and I are good buds and watch ALL of each others videos. We hope to collab again sometime soon, and I just know when this is over ill still be getting introduced to even more talented people in this space. This may have taken 3.5 years, but I feel like its only the beginning.